速報APP / 家庭 / Animal Sounds

Animal Sounds





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:Azerbaijan, Baku

Animal Sounds(圖1)-速報App

“Animal Sounds” is a free educational animal app. Our app includes more than 200 animals and real animal sounds by categories:

☛ Domestic animals

☛ Wild animals

☛ Sea animals

☛ Birds

Animal Sounds(圖2)-速報App

☛ Insects

“Animal Sounds” teaches animals names, including well-chosen colorful animals picture and real animal sounds. This app will let you have a fun and discover new animals and animals sounds. This application contains big collections of pet animals, wild animals, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds & insects real animals picture in HD Format.

-The category of Domestic Animals includes farm animals like cow, horse, sheep, and pet animals like dog, cat and domestic birds like hen, goose, duck and etc.

-The category of Wild Animals includes forest animals like lion, tiger, elephant, jaguar, fox, wolf, zebra and etc.

Animal Sounds(圖3)-速報App

-The category of Sea Animals includes animals like dolphin, shark, whale, walrus, octopus, penguin

and etc.

-The category of Birds includes birds like owl, crane, pigeon, stork, swallow, crow, eagle

and etc.

-The category of Insects includes insects like housefly, ant, dragonfly, bee, butterfly, louse, spider

and etc.

Animal Sounds(圖4)-速報App


✔ Well-chosen animal pictures.

✔ Pronunciation of animal names.

✔ Animals pictures with HD quality.

✔ Spelling of animal names.

Animal Sounds(圖5)-速報App

✔ Animals flash cards.

✔ Real animal sounds.

✔ Animals for kids.

✔ Farm animal sounds.

✔ Wild animal sounds.

★ Free animal sounds.

Animal Sounds(圖6)-速報App

★ Pronunciation of animal names.

★ Natural high-quality animal sounds.

★ Farm animals, wild animals, pet animals, birds sounds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians

★ High Definition animal pictures.

★ Animals for kids.

★ Learn animal names.

Animal Sounds(圖7)-速報App

★ Animal sounds in english

★ Wild animal noises

Tags: animal sounds, animals picture, pet animals, amphibians, farm animals, domestic animals, animals for kids, real animal sounds, animal flashcards, animal app, learn animal names, free animals app, wild animals, forest animals, animal sound English, animal noises.

Animal Sounds(圖8)-速報App